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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  December 17, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EST

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i'm jamie colby for "strange inheritance." and remember, you can't take it with you. ♪ lou dobbs is next. . lou: good evening, everybody, i'm lou dobbs. president obama and his administration today continuing their campaign of comfort, aimed at americans unsettled or outright afraid of the growing threat of the islamic state. the obama comfort campaign landed at the national counterterrorism center today, using the center as a backdrop, a centerpiece if you will of the administration's readiness and the president's strong leadership. he made it clear if nothing else that the white house knows how to build optics for its point of view. a week and a half ago mr. obama gave an oval office speech on
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islamic state, and it was the islamic state's much doubted and not always obvious strategy that did not impress many americans. monday, a visit to the pentagon, today, a visit to the counterterrorism center, but all of that for not. because officials of his administration shockingly could not tell a congressional committee the whereabouts of thousands of foreigners who have had their visas revoked over terrorism concerns. >> of the 122,000 revoked visas. how many of those people are still in the united states? >> i don't know. >> doesn't that scare you? >> many of the people whose visas are revoked were not in the united states when we revoked the visas. >> have you no idea how many of those people are in the united states. of the revoked visas, do you give those to the department of homeland security? >> exactly. we revoke the visa. >> so homeland security, how
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many revoked visas are still in the united states of america? >> mr. chairman, i don't have that -- >> you don't have a clue, do you? lou: not a clue. house oversight committee member congressman jim jordan will be joining me later in the broadcast. we'll be talking about the spending bill passed by the house, the reaction to it and, of course, the results of today's house oversight committee hearing. also tonight, federal authorities arresting enrique marquez, the man who bought the assault rifles used in the san bernardino terrorist attack. the 24-year-old charged with providing material support for crimes of terrorism, making a false statement in connection with the acquisition of firearms and immigration fraud. and russia's vladimir putin offering glowing praise for republican presidential front-runner donald trump. what he said and which campaign will use it first. we'll be taking that up tonight.
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and our top story, growing concerns about the administration's efforts to properly vet visitors and asylum-seekers comes to this country. that, the subject of the house oversight hearing which focused on the government's abject failure to review the social media accounts of visa applicants. fox news chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge with our report. >> reporter: based on the current vetting system, san bernardino shooter tashfeen malik checked all the boxes. >> there wasn't anything in that case that was a flag. >> reporter: while malic exchanged direct messages of martyrdom and jihad with future american husband before entering the u.s., witnesses told the house government oversight committee there is no mandatory social media screening for fiancee visas but used for other applicants. >> focusing primarily on the refugee setting, looking at using it in nonrefugee settings.
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>> reporter: despite an msnbc report as early as 2011, department officials argued there is no rule either way. >> i am not aware of there ever having been a policy that prohibited the use of it. >> we have conflicting reports then in the last several days. >> reporter: while it's not public whether the san bernardino shooters used encryption. a law enforcement source says at least one operative in the terrorist attacks did. with witnesses saying it's a gray area. >> how far can we go into people's facebooks and private chats are all issues that are legitimate need to be discussed. >> reporter: the congressional testimony seemed to reinforce a disconcerting intelligence picture that isis is attempting to enter the u.s. through refugee programs. last year nearly 120 syrian nationals overstayed and somewhere the subject of federal inquiries. >> of that 118, 11 were
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administratively arrested and the remainder were closed with the exception of 18 ongoing investigations. >> reporter: the republican committee chairman said the homeland security official responsible for screening who appeared separately could not answer basic questions. >> you can see why we're scared to death that this administration, the department of homeland security, the state department is not protecting the american people. >> reporter: the questioning of obama administration officials was aggressive and bipartisan today, while open to new ideas, none of the witnesses offered significant concrete changes to the vetting system. this is not a new problem since 9/11 terrorist groups sought to use the system and freedoms against us, lou. lou: catherine, thank you very much. i don't know about you, but after listening to each one of those administration officials, i'm far more concerned about terrorism in this country than ever before, and obviously, so was the house oversight hearing committee members.
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president obama reassuring americans there's no specific credible terrorist threat ahead of the holidays. feel better? the president spent part of the day at national counterterrorism center in virginia where, he also talked about progress and the fight against the islamic state. >> we're hitting isil harder than ever in syria and iraq. we are taking out their leaders. our partners on the ground are fighting to push isil back and isil has been losing territory. lou: but it was just earlier this week a pentagon report warned that the islamic state is, in fact, growing in afghanistan, and americans have little confidence in this president's ability now to keep us safe. a new abc news-"washington post" poll shows only 22% of americans are confident in the government's ability to prevent lone wolf terrorist attacks. and turning to show business -- disney ramping up security in
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the wake of paris and san bernardino. the company installing metal detectors at eight theme park and water park entrances in florida and california. and police departments across the country stepping up their patrols at movie theaters showing the new "star wars" movie tonight. long lines, huge crowds expected for the midnight debut for "star wars: the force awakens." the obama administration may have another e-mail scandal on its hands, defense secretary ash carter acknowledging today that he used his personal e-mail account to conduct official business during his first months as pentagon chief. >> a lot of people. first of all, let me back up a little. this is a mistake i made with respect to e-mail, entirely my mistake, entirely on me. what i was doing that i shouldn't have been doing until a few months ago, which meant i was doing it longer than i
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should have been, obviously, is using my iphone, which has my personal e-mail on it to send messages to my office -- administrative messages, not classified information. lou: even worse, carter continued the practice using his personal e-mail for two months after news broke of hillary clinton's e-mail scandal. the senate armed services committee has requested copies of carter's e-mails and they'll be conducting a review to ensure that sensitive information and material was not compromised. turning to the republican race for the white house -- a good day for donald trump. he received a ringing endorsement from a surprising source, trump's closest rival, senator ted cruz was forced to defend his record on illegal immigration. fox news chief political correspondent carl cameron with our report.
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>> i oppose amnesty, i oppose citizenship, i oppose legalization for illegal aliens, i always have and always will. >> reporter: in nevada ted cruz offered a moment of clarity on immigration reform after struggling to explain amendments and express support for marco rubio's legislation which cruz insists was a roost to kill the bill. >> doesn't mean i support the other aspects of the bill. bret, you've been around washington enough, you know how to defeat bad legislation which is what the amendment did. >> reporter: poison pills are common, but can turn off voters who view them as washington double talk. rubio turned up the heat on cruz from iowa. >> strongly supported legalizing people in the country illegally. >> reporter: cruz in 2013 promoted a path to legal status as a passable deal. >> if the proponents of the bill demonstrate a commitment not to politics, not to campaigning all the time, but to actually fixing this problem, to finding a middle
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ground, that would fix the problem and also allow for those 11 million people who are here illegally a legal status with citizenship off the table. i believe that's the compromise that can pass. >> reporter: bickering over legislative gamesmanship makes it easier for outsiders to hammer senators as part of washington's problem. donald trump launched campaign in june with the toughest immigration rhetoric in the field that dominated the polls since. trump received a dubious vote of confidence from a world leader. this was trump in july in scotland. >> i think i get along very well with vladimir putin. >> reporter: condemned by every other candidate in both parties, the russian president all but endorsed trump yesterday. >> he's a very flamboyant man, talented, no doubt about that. this is not up to us to decide if he is worthy, up to the voters in the united states. he is the absolute leader of the presidential race. >> reporter: without being specific, trump suggested on jimmy kimmel live, his rhetoric will change.
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>> i've been divisive and we have to come together and get this done. >> reporter: trump has said similar things throughout the campaign and followed up with hotter rhetoric, lou? lou: carl cameron, thank you very much. coming right back with much more including perhaps a little divisive rhetoric from the campaign trail on what of course will be fair and balanced about it. democrats and republicans. stay with us. the obama administration admits it doesn't have a clue, not a clue. where are the thousands of foreigners who had their visas revoked? >> how many of those people are still in the united states? >> i don't know. lou: will obama's people ever get a clue? we take that up with congressman jim jordan here next. and this minnesota mom is a winner in a lot of ways. you don't want to miss her prize winning shot. prize winning shot. the video and her great story
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of those whose visas have been revoked. >> i'm asking for a report, i'm asking for a number. how many people, how many visa waiver travelers are in the country today? just the overall number. how many are here today. >> there are 20 million persons who enter the country each year on the visa waiver program. >> 20 million a year. how many are here today? >> i cannot give you a number given the way in which the -- >> how many overstays are here in a year's time? >> we track overstays and we are preparing a report for that. lou: incredible. congressman jim jordan, in addition to sitting on that oversight committee, he serves on the judiciary committee as well, he's chairman of the freedom caucus. congressman, you are one of the most patient people i've ever seen. i mean, that is stunning that an administration official responsible in that area would
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not be able to answer your questions. >> well, remember this follows after last week, where the lady couldn't give us any numbers. this guy said 20 million visa travelers. when we pressed him later in the committee. he admitted to probably a minimum 400,000 overstays. people who are passed the time period that's allowed on a visa waiver, in the visa waiver program. what we want to know is how many of the overstays traveled to syria, may have had some link to terrorist group. so in the end, what i look at is it seems to me, when you look at dhs and what they're doing, it's incompetence mixed with political correctness. remember, we had the story earlier this week for privacy concerns of foreign nationals, they weren't checking all the social media presence. it is a bad combination politically when thinking about the security of the country. lou: and i have to tell you, i'm sitting here laughing. i know i shouldn't.
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it is a serious matter. >> serious, yes. lou: but this is so absurd. this administration seems to live at the nexus of incompetence and ambiguous goals and sense of responsibility. >> yeah. lou: this is unfathomable. >> here's what's frustrating to the american people. we had a chance today, tomorrow the vote is supposed to happen on this omnibus spending package to put in a syrian refugee language to tighten things up. think about the context, homeland security chairman mccall said terrorist groups are actively trying to exploit the refugee program. we have 47 democrats who voted with us three weeks ago to pass a bill. why not insist upon that being in the must pass legislation, the spending bill, the omnibus bill, insist about that. that's one of the things many ofs you in the freedom caucus and while you will see most of us vote against this thing tomorrow. lou: you know, voting against the thing as you call it, the thing seems appropriate.
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everything is in it. paul ryan, whom you and your caucus embraced, and who is -- i think the record should show was hand picked by the man you all threw out, john boehner, which doesn't make sense to most of us. he's given your administration and the democrats everything -- using the word advisedly, everything they asked for. >> look, we had a tough situation. granted we understand that. but to not put in the syrian refugee issue, to not put in the bill we passed with 47 democrats in the context we find ourselves in after the terrible terrorist attacks over the last six weeks and with what chairman mccaul, terrorist groups are trying to exploit upon this and to say to the president, if you can't agree to that, veto the entire spending bill because of that, you have a problem. we should have the debate and focus on american security and have the debate.
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that's what we told our loichlt unfortunately it's not in the bill. lou: congressman, i got to ask you, this i want to know why all that other stuff is in. i figure it has to do with the speaker's desire to be everybody's buddy, and he gets an easy pass here. i get that, i think. i don't like it but i get it. what i don't understand is why the speaker would not himself also insist as you are laying the case here and in the hearing today to include the syrian issue and the visa issue in that bill. >> i don't get it either. i think that was such a win we could have gotten, a win that was consistent with where the american people are. a win that is -- a policy consistent with basic security, basic common sense, and i wish we had a push for that. we obviously did. we said put that in there, a couple other things that were consistent with where america is but unfortunately not part of the legislation. a lot of republicans oppose
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this legislation. lou: well, it is we would hope it would be first symbolic in importance, but also we would hope that some point it is determinate in the result when you get reenforcements in the house. congressman, great to see you, thanks so much. >> you bet, lou, take care. lou: congressman jim jordan. be sure to vote in tonight's poll. the question is -- is it in your interest and the nation? love to hear from you on this. cast your vote on and follow me on twitter -- we're going crazy on instagram, i was told. in a good way. lou dobbs tonight. a minnesota mom may want to look at joining the wnba or the circus. check this out.
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she had the chance. look at this shot! she missed! no, she didn't! she made it! and she cut her daughter's middle school tuition in half. all she had to do is sink a half-court shot. airball, but not so quick! instantly it was all net, baby. the crowd went wild, celebrated her impressive, very lucky shot. and by the way, the reason she was taking, it she raised more money for the school than any other mom. how about that? congratulations. the dumb, the dysfunctional, i won't tell you who i'm talking about. and tell you about a nebraska sheriffs deputy who may want to think about switching careers and becoming an action star. whoa! whoa! we'll have his incredible and
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. lou: a few thoughts now on what has been a lousy week so far for the obama administration and defense secretary ash carter has had it worse than any other member of the administration. it began as carter was forced to delay his departure to the middle east all to be a prop in the president's political theater, so that he could talk about the islamic state. mr. obama announced with much fanfare that he was sending carter to the middle east except the trip was preplanned, he was supposed to leave the day before. and defense secretary's trip kicked off in turkey where the very next day the pentagon had to admit that the u.s. military was withdrawing a dozen f-15th from incirlik airbase, a coincidence? a planned departure? the pentagon claimed both claims were pure bunk. iraqi government rebuffed carter rejecting offer of
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apache helicopters, and the defense secretary publicly confessing he screwed up with e-mail using private e-mail for government business and today calling that a mistake. >> it's not like i didn't have the opportunity to understand what the right thing to do is. i didn't do the right thing. this is entirely on me. a few months ago -- and basically, what that means is i was doing it for longer than i should have. lou: yeah, now, he doesn't get a lot of -- excuse me, a lot of credit for intelligence and he reportedly has high intelligence but probably going to get thrown out of administration because by my count, he is the only one in the administration who has taken squareup full responsibilities for his screwups.
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carter stopped with e-mails and private phone for public business, having obviously ignored what should have been a clear warning from the clinton e-mail scandal, and continuing his practice until he said a few months ago. of course, clinton's private e-mail use now under investigation by the fbi, so what happens to carter? intelligence agencies that reaffirmed two e-mails on her server being top secret, well, the investigation of her goes on. as for carter, a senate committee says it will investigate to assure that no classified material was compromised by the defense secretary. ash carter looked like a smart and responsible fellow when he took the job, but as he put it, he screwed up. as so many people seem to do in mr. obama's hapless, directionalist administration. they've become the largest gathering of bozos in any presidential administration of my knowledge. and none of these clowns is the
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funny in the very slightest. our quotation of the evening of blunders on this administration's seeming insistence and carrying on and on with its mistakes. it's been said success does not consist in never making blunders but never making it the second time. much too late for the obama administration. we're coming right back. vladimir putin was asked about presidential front-runner trump. >> he's a very flamboyant man. very talented, no doubt about that. lou: looks like putin would work slightly better with trump than obama. who will be running that quote, trump or rivals? rich lowry and georgette mos backer next. what happens when he flips his suv off an overpass. that c
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. lou: well, the republican front-runner stopped by jimmy kimmel live last night. he used the visit to show the children's book he had written, inspired by donald j. trump. >> so i've ghost written a book that i put your name on, okay? it's called winners aren't losers. winners aren't losers, they're winners like me, a loser is a
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loser, which one will you be? [laughter] >> lobster's a loser, throw him in the pot. i like a lobster who doesn't get caught. here are frogs i do not like at all, we must kick these frogs out and then build a wall. there are two kinds of people, which one will you be? a loser like them, would you like to finish? or a winner -- >> like me. [ applause ] >> joining me the editor of national review rich lowry and republican fund-raiser georgette mosbacher. great to have you here. i have to say, i thought trump did very well with kimmel's reading. i've never seen him sit and watch so tenantively as somebody was speaking, have you? >> he was wondering what kind of royalty he can get from the book. >> as long as someone is talking about him, he pays attention. lou: i don't know. it was all for the children, right? >> of course.
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this is the amazing thing. some pundits maybe including yours truly thought the attention on trump would wane over time. lou: direcall that. i would never have brought it up, rich, never mentioned it. >> it has not at all, it has been the year of trump. and i thought the extraordinary thing about the debate this week is you can see. this is a guy who's a front-runner and basically a number of the other candidates are afraid to criticize him in his presence. lou: so now we have a group of people who not only are hanging on to their presidential hopes with the tips of their nails, but there's now trembling in fear of the great donald? can that be georgette? >> yeah, i tell you why. if anyone is trying attack him has crashed and burn. he's very good at this. and instead of -- lou: can i quote jeb bush? this is a tough business. you got to be tough! donald j. trump. >> we're talking about the
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number one job in the world. come on! there are no rules when it comes to wanting the presidency. >> bush has taken on trump almost every debate and turns out roughly the same week. i think bush was better this week. bush says to trump, you are unserious, juvenile, you're hurtful, divisive. trump makes a lot of faces at him, insults him. cites low poll numbers and everything stays the same. >> bush had a great line, chaos, chaos candidate and a chaos presidency, that is good. lou: that's going to live perhaps in your memory for about another week, but i don't believe anybody else will pay much attention. >> dear, they should be making commercials right now, shouldn't they? >> the bush campaign is making a lot of commercials so bar. lou: and the numbers are just rising like the sea. >> this is one of the most devastating lines trump was saying this week. bush has spent 40 million roughly and he's at 5. and i've spent 200,000 and i'm at 35.
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lou: my favorite, though, my favorite in this deal was watching cruz and rubio. by the way, rubio is some genius in the media figured out is anti-establishment. that's a pretty neat trick. here's the deal to. watch the two of them battle over the innards of some arcane, ridiculous, legislative maneuver on the part of cruz which puts him in absolute contradiction to himself as well as campaign precepts. it was boring! they couldn't even fight well! >> but a great line, gave a great line to governor christie. lou: what was the line? >> remember when he turned and said two senators, now you know what happens on the floor. lou: absolutely. >> what gets done in washington. lou: he's done it before, and it worked. that's the other thing, these folks have got to come up with new things to say, don't they? rich, you're the editor here. come on! freshen it up. come on.
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>> i love the cruz-rubio debate. fascinating. >> which senator would you support, which inexperienced senator would you support? we have had such good luck with those guys. >> one with better ideas. lou: intellectual exercise, this business of electing a leader. >> you got 35 republican governors, we couldn't find one? not one. lou: is hillary ever going to show up? >> she doesn't have to. lou: she doesn't have to? >> of course not. lou: it's a coronation across the general. >> someone called me to ask about the democratic debate saturday. i had forgotten there's a democratic debate, on the saturday before christmas. >> how perfect. lou: it will be electric, and i know that millions will tune in. [ laughter ] >> georgette, good to see you, rich, good to see you, appreciate it. what do you think? trump? no, never mind. dashcam video captured a scene straight out of action movie. officers in nebraska in pursuit
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of what looked like a reckless semi truck driver, but it turned out, the driver was having a diabetic episode and sergeant, look at this, he risked his life. he jumped from his car onto the moving truck. took control of the truck and brought it to a halt. the driver taken to the hospital where he was later treated and released. he's fine, but you talk about a real-life action hero, you're it. outstanding. and a reminder if we need it to be careful on icy roads. seems some fool does need the reminder. shocking footage showing the moment this driver lost control sliding off an overpass. lord! and crashing into the streets. this happening in sochi, russia. sochi, russia. i run those two together sometime. fortunately the driver walked away from the accident
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unharmed, and i guess what i did to the story is commit verbal abuse. i apologize. we'll get it straightened out. the obama administration admits terrorists could exploit the refugee program. i love it. candor. candor. former cia director james woolsey will be here next, and he will be candid, i tell you. the spanish security prime minister detail won't be getting a christmas bonus this year. we'll show you why next. no bonus. they're going to be lucky to have jobs.
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. lou: a group of republican senators slamming the obama administration as it prepares to lift sanctions against iran as early as next month. those senators say the recent ballistic missile testing showed blatant disregard for sanctions. secretary kerry said it's fulfilling their part of the nuclear deal in a transparent and verifiable way. joining us is james woolsey, former director of the central intelligence agency, now chairman of the defense of democracies, jim, great to have you here.
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transparent and responsible, in clear violation of united nations security council resolutions. what in the world is this -- can this administration or its representatives and members speak truth at any time on important issues? >> i suppose the way he gets to that is narrows down what they have to be factual about to a fraction of the verification because some of the verification they can cancel by not turning over the dirt that you ask for or by declaring a military zone and you can't go in there. so i guess if you narrow it down enough to where it's almost nonexistent, you can say that the iranians are cooperating, that's the only one i can think of. lou: it's just extraordinary to me. and the iaea saying go ahead, everything is good. they're being denied access to their nuclear base. >> that was amazing, i thought.
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they have some good people in there that have done good work over the years, but not all of them, and that was, i think, a very, very odd call. it bolsters the case for our adding sanctions on iran from ourselves when these international ones go away. lou: is it your sense this administration is going to rather than go in tranches to turn over the bulk of the money frozen over to the iranians? >> i hope not, but i'm afraid there are some signals to that end, yes. it may happen. it's only lever we've got over the mullahs. and it's really i think most unwise to do that. lou: this administration, its representatives appearing before the house oversight committee today. every time oversight is
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attempted, they don't know who has overstayed their visa. they don't know where they are. they don't know about those whose visas have been revoked. we learned as we're talking today, 400,000 people. asserted by one official that most of the revocations occurred when people were in other countries. how she knew that? i have no idea. they have no clue where they are. is there anything, anything this administration is doing that's responsible in the way of the administration of the government when it comes to border security, internal security. what in the world are they thinking? >> the immigration system is broken, dysfunctional. and they're trying to operate it in a half hearted way because they don't really want restrictions on immigration. lou: sure. >> and as a result, it's chaotic, exactly the sort of thing you're saying, that you can't tell where people are, what they're doing, whether
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they've had terrorist training, none of the above. lou: and meanwhile, this president has no problem standing up in front of cameras and saying that he is prosecuting the war against the islamic state successfully and everything is right on his plan. >> and he uses these legal words all the time like prosecuting and bring them to justice as if we have a big bank robbery that we have to capture the crooks, not a war. he doesn't use the technology that suggests he understands they're at war with us, even if he thinks we're not at war with them. lou: seems he misspoke about 15 months ago when he said he was going to degrade and destroy the islamic state. it's clear, i miss interpreted what kill, destroy, degrade means. >> easy to get confused. lou: james woolsey, ambassador, thanks so much. >> good to be with you. lou: a teenager had the chance to meet a high-profile
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politician and ended up doing the unthinkable. spanish prime minister was campaigning when the young man unleashed a fist to his face. his glasses were knocked off, police arrested the teenager, the prime minister was left with a big red bruise but tweeted he feels good considering, and his security people probably, i'm guessing here, are not feeling so good tonight. nor should they. on wall street, stocks -- speaking of not feeling good, erasing all of yesterday's gains plus some following the fed interest rate hike. the dow fell 253, the s&p down 31. the nasdaq down 69. do you suppose at the federal reserve they're rethinking the 25-basis-point increase? maybe a big old takeback, say monday morning. no, maybe not. over 4 billion shares traded. crude oil continues to slide closing now at the lowest level
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since february 2009, below $35 a barrel. a reminder to listen to my reports three times a day on the salem radio network. up next, harvard serves up liberal propaganda? that can't be! and forced to apologize. now that's what's unusual. baltimore on edge tonight awaiting word on the likely retrial of a police officer charged in the death of freddie gray, and whose trial resulted in a mistrial. we'll have the latest and much more straight ahead. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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lou: no new trial date has been set yet for baltimore police officer william porter. the jury came back deadlocked on the charges in the trial in the death of freddie gray. porter is the first of six baltimore police officers facing charges. joining me is the fashion agricultural spokesperson for the congress on racial. >> d racial equality. this mistrial. live trucks surrounding the courthouse in baltimore. the anticipation there would be great demonstrations and protests.
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isn't this getting point where that is a form of institutional condescension to a community? >> there is no question that it is. but it's also curbed with public officials since as the mayor and the state attorney. it was a disgrace. she didn't act like a state attorney, she acted like an activist panning for the tv cameras. as opposed to keeping her head down and doing her job in a proper fashion. lou: she has already demonstrated her level of competence at that job. i suppose that -- that's a subtle matter in the view of the community. does this say much to you about
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marilyn mosby and her abit to prosecute this case? >> typically with these prosecutors that play politics with the constituency that they should be serving which is acting like a professional again charging appropriately, not charging base it looks good for the tv cameras or looks good for the * news. but charging appropriately and putting together a case you can win. they do a terrible disservice to the community they are supposed to serve. lou: i want to turn to the latest from harvard. i must confess i have some connection to the institution. >> we won't blame you for that. lou: harvard is a placemat for social justice. these words are getting strung out. they printed up this thing as you saw there.
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it's guides for holiday discussion on race and justice covering four different topic. black murders in the street. yale student activist. islamophobia refugees. house master title. march regard abolished the title saying it evokes slavery. to many it only evoked oxford. >> i don't think the propaganda could be worse in north korea or a soviet union moscow. you know as a parent, parent collectively spend millions of dollars to send their kid to these elite institutions to get shoveled this pablum.
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abraham lincoln said america will not fall from taken outside power but we'll fall because we crumble from within. if we continue this politically correct non-sense with our elite institutions we'll collapse from within. lou: education is too important to be left with those we call educators now. on our online poll 50% of you say you don't think the republican party has come to terms with the possibility that donald trump may become the party nominee. on facebook ... it's become obvious he has bad intentions
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for america. wake up democrats. ambassador john bolton among your guests tomorrow. please be with us. good night from new york. kennedy: hi, how are you? are you in your star cruiser? think presidential cast stars of course donald trump and it's glaringly obvious he's darth vader. compelling, cold and tortured by emotion he tries to suppress. but who is the emperor he worships? it's hillary clinton of course. the relationship is closer than anyone is comfortable speculating upon.


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